Your shoulders play a part in just about every single upper body movement so it is very important to maintain shoulder mobility.  If we deprive the shoulders of just one of its anatomical motions, the entire joint will be predisposed to injury.

We need strength to help support the shoulder joint and decrease risk of injury. We also need flexibility to maintain a pain-free range of motion.

In the following video, I share a series of exercises to help build and maintain shoulder mobility. 

5 Exercises to Improve Shoulder Mobility

Equipment: Pole, Pilates Chair

  1. Elbows East & West: Open elbows east & west and then hold the pole up over the head.
  2. Scoop Up Your Thoracic Spine: In prone position (on the stomach), hold  the pole behind the back and scoop up your thoracic spine. 
  3. Spider on the Wall: Standing in the doorway, move your hands up the wall, one at a time, keeping the shoulders open (no hunching)
  4. Tricep Dips & Hold:  In the Pilates Stability Chair, stand with feet on the pedal and do a series of slow tricep dips.
  5. Chair Stand: Stand  on the Pilates chair with feet on the pedal, elbows straight and hold

Try a class! We teach locally at our Newton, MA studio or via Zoom.  Contact us to learn how we can design a program specifically for you! Phone: 617-852-6785 or Email: [email protected].